As Olive Twist already answered, ping -c 4 will do it. If you want to make this as a default, one way is to create an alias for ping with: alias ping='ping -c 4' Save it to your ~/.bashrc file to make it permanent or it will last only for the current terminal session.

10+ Ping Command in Linux: Ping Command Syntax & Examples Aug 11, 2019 How To Use Ping Command In Linux Ubuntu - Source Digit Jul 26, 2019 Linux and Unix ping command tutorial with examples Nov 16, 2019 How To Ping Specific Port Number – devconnected

Feb 18, 2019

How To Use Ping Command In Linux Ubuntu - Source Digit Jul 26, 2019 Linux and Unix ping command tutorial with examples Nov 16, 2019

Ping is a necessity for debugging of the Internet. Ping is a basic Internet tool that allows a user to verify that a particular IP address exists and can accept requests., with other facilities. Ping sends out ICMP packets by opening a RAW socket, which is separate from TCP and UDP.

In the previous post we have discussed about ping command in Linux, which is used to check connectivity (or pint an IPv4 address of node – computer which is connected to the network). To ping the node (network computer) which has an IPv6 address i.e. to ping or check the connectivity under IPv6 network, ping6 command is used. How to Force Ping to Return IPv4 IP Address Instead of Oct 28, 2019 Ping in C - GeeksforGeeks Ping is a necessity for debugging of the Internet. Ping is a basic Internet tool that allows a user to verify that a particular IP address exists and can accept requests., with other facilities. Ping sends out ICMP packets by opening a RAW socket, which is separate from TCP and UDP. Linux ping Command Examples - JournalDev The ping (Packet INternet Groper) command is one of the most widely used utility across different Operating systems: from Windows to Linux. It’s a network troubleshooting tool used for testing reachability of remote systems, servers, and network devices.